Katrina G.

Okay. So Kayley is the absolute best. I struggle to recommend her because I want her all to myself! Lol. She gives THE best massages and I come here and only here for my pedicures. She really takes her time and makes sure you're comfortable the entire time.
The place itself needs some work. It's new, and I know that. The main reception guy is very nice but seems very shy and is soft spoken. They could use a drink menu and just need time to become established.

Now. The reason this is a 4 star and not 5 star review is because of my experience as a witness today. A young lady was here before me getting a mani/pedi and she got all finished and then asked the lady that was working on her,"Tammy", what happened to the nail polish color? (There was only a clear coat). Well Mrs. Tammy got SO offended and behaved absolutely ghastly. She was rude and even called this young lady a liar!! Even if she was, that is NOT how you treat a customer that came in early on a Monday morning for a mani/pedi. I could not get over how rude it was and how on the spot that young lady must have felt. It really upset me, and it wasn't even me experiencing it. The young lady told Tammy that she was asking about color several times and even let it go, taking the blame. She said "it was just a miscommunication, I have a mask on. Perhaps she didn't understand me."  Just an overall really really bad customer service situation.

Great place other than this "Tammy" lady. Very sad to see a whole establishment lose credit over one rude worker.

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